Safe Fire Direct are now an approved distributor of Eaton products

Safe Fire Direct are now an approved distributor of Eaton products

We are pleased to announce that Safe Fire Direct are now an approved distribution partner of Eaton products. Focusing specifically on the fire detection, signalling, emergency lighting and door control ranges.

Built upon a rich heritage of Cooper, Menvier, JSB, Nugelec and Fulleon devices, Eaton leverages decades of expertise in the development of fire alarm systems.

Renowned worldwide, their products are trusted in diverse locations such as stadia, high-rise offices, government buildings, transport hubs, hospitals, retirement homes, industrial facilities and retail/leisure complexes.

Eaton's comprehensive range includes market-leading addressable and conventional fire alarm systems, known for their compliance, efficiency, user-friendliness, and configurability to meet specific application requirements.

Speak to our sales team or your account manager today for more information and pricing on Eaton products.

A wide range of Eaton products will also be available to order on our website over the coming weeks.

#newpartnership #newsupplier #firedetection #emergencylighting #communicationsystems #doorcontrol #firealarms #eaton #cooperfire #menvier #jsb #fulleon