Best Price Guarantee

We are proud to offer a Best Price Guarantee on every product in our portfolio.

We Guarantee we WILL NOT be beaten on price.

It's pretty simple. We guarantee to have the best prices available on the internet for our entire product range.

We do the hard work, comparing our prices on a daily basis, so you don't have to. You can be safe in the knowledge knowing you are buying your item(s) at the most competitive price available on the net.

In the unlikely event that you do find the same product on another UK website for less (inclusive of price, postage, packing and tax), we guarantee to beat that price by 2%.

This includes up to 1 week after your purchase. If you buy an item from us and find it at a lower price after your purchase, we will refund you the difference.

All we need is for you to send us a copy of the web page where you found the product. As soon as we have checked and confirmed this, we will be able to match the price/supply you with a refund.

As we are sure you understand we do have some exclusions:

  • The Price Guarantee applies for up to 7 days after you make your purchase
  • The competitions products must be new and identical.
  • The competitor must be able to supply the same quantity of items in the same time frame as SafeFireDirect.
  • Competitors must be within the UK. The offer does not include Auction sites or Amazon.
  • Guarantee applies to total price of the order (inclusive of packing, postage & taxes).
  • The Guarantee excludes competitors special offers, sale & clearance items.
  • The Guarantee excludes items which are being sold lower than our cost price for the products from our supplier including delivery costs.
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time.

Page Last Updated on 04th August 2020.